2025 Spring Registration is OPEN!

The Charlottesville Babe Ruth League offers boys and girls the opportunity to have fun learning the game of baseball from dedicated coaches and volunteers. The League accepts registrations from boys and girls who will be twelve (12) years old before May 1, 2025, and who will not be seventeen (17) years old before May 1, 2025, for the 13-16-Year-Old Division and boys and girls who will be sixteen (16) years old before May 1, 2025, and who will not be nineteen (19) years old before May 1, 2025, for the 16-18-Year-Old Division. Email the league if interested in playing in the 16-18 Division but won’t be 16 before May 1, 2025.
Babe Ruth League, Inc. allows for players who are 12 years old to participate in Babe Ruth League play as a "swing" player. Players who are aging out of Little League who are "league age" 13 by Little League Rules, but who are "league age" 12 by Babe Ruth rules are eligible to play in the Charlottesville Babe Ruth League and should register and play with us in our 13-16 division. Please contact the league with any questions.
For those players who are planning to play Middle or High School JV and Varsity baseball, our spring schedule will accommodate you. Many Middle and High School JV programs end in early May, and Varsity ends at the end of May, and our 13-16 season continues through the first week in June (2nd) and through mid-June for the older division. From there, we'll have summer All-Stars so players wishing to have a longer baseball experience should plan to play with us in addition to school teams. Our rules are designed so that player positions will not interfere with school teams. Please contact us if you want further clarification.
There is limited space available in our 13-16-Year-Old and 16-18-Year-Old Divisions, so register early! If the divisions don't fill up sooner, the registration deadline is March 7th for the 13-16-Year-Old Division and May 19th for the 16-18-Year-Old Division.
Season Schedule (13-16 Division)
· Each team will be assigned 1 practice and 1 game per week.
· Practices begin March 12th
· Games begin March 29th
· End of Season tournament -- May 31st – June 2nd
Season Schedule (16-18)
· Each team will be assigned 1 community practice opportunity and 2 games per week.
· Practices begin TBD
· Games begin TBD
· End of Season tournament -- TBD
Spring Evaluations
* All players will be evaluated on March 8th for the 13-16-Year-Old Division and May 17th for the 16-18-Year-Old Division at Gardner Field, times TBA. Evaluations are mandatory, and players must attend at least one session. The purpose of evaluations is to help build balanced teams across each division.
For more information, download our information form,